Friday, June 21, 2013

Galo de Barcelos

Galo de Barcelos from Portugal
From Ana Isabel (SB)

Just a note about the Galo de Barcelos!

Galo de Barcelos is one of the national symbols of Portugal. It is said to symbolize honesty, integrity, trust and honor; everyone should have one in their house to bring them luck.

The Legend of “Galo de Barcelos”.

The legend has it that a serious crime had been committed in the small town of Barcelos, Portugal. Some believed that on the day of the crime, a Spaniard was passing through Barcelos on a pilgrimage and various circumstances pointed to his guilt. The accused Spaniard proclaimed his innocence, but could not present any proof in his defense. As a result, he was arrested and condemned to be hanged. The poor man continued to plead his innocence to no avail. As a last request, he asked to be brought before the judge one last time. The judge was in the middle of dinning with his friends and again, in front of everyone, the Spaniard declared his innocence. “There is nothing I can do” replied the judge. The Spaniard, turning to the Saints of his faith looked over at an already roasted chicken that was on a platter about to be served to the judge and his friends, and cried, “As surely as I stand innocent, so will that rooster crow”. Everyone laughed, but then suddenly to everyone’s amazement, just as the man was being escorted to his execution, the roasted chicken turned into a tall standing rooster, and began to crow. The judge immediately permitted the Spaniard to be released and set free.

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